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This page is a large info-dump of most everything pertaining to my academic and personal that I've managed to collect. There's a billion-and-one different things I've done for friends, family, and coworkers so this isn't an all-inclusive but it should give a broad overview on what I'm capable of and interested in professionally. Do let me know if there's any questions with one of the links below!
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Personal Projects
Jeremie Pope
Current Status
CECSEE Engineer
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While I'm not quite done with this yet, I am working on getting what code I can release ready. See my many projects to get an idea on what I've been up to.
Personal Statement
I've spent much of my life with an unending passion for learning and eventually resolving difficult and previously unanswered questions. Starting at the age of two, I've been exposed to an invaluable tool in this pursuit; computers. Since then, I've slowly amassed a base of knowledge on these tools' operation and application. In 2015 I graduated high school and immediately set out to be an engineer. Five years and a lot of experience later, I graduated with three separate degrees in computer engineering, computer science, and electrical engineering.

I am comfortable where I am currently, but my thirst for discovery continues to push me forward. Using my new-found skills, I've taken an interest in the concern for consumer electronics' digital safety. As the information age has progressed, our embedded devices have grown to lack basic security features and design concepts. We trust our digital lives to these devices and put ourselves and those around us at risk when we use poorly implemented technology. To resolve this, I've started to focus on the accessibility and verifiability of security concepts specifically for embedded devices. By working to increase the deployability of robust, lightweight, secure protocols and designs, I hope to directly combat the risks inherent to our daily digital lives.

My lofty goals come from simple beginnings. When I was two, my parents saw a world changed for the better by computers, so they took steps to ensure I wouldn't be left behind. Despite the financial strain and turmoil these efforts caused, they provided even if it meant they had to go without. The sleepless, hungry nights they endured fills my heart with aching gratitude because I know that I wouldn't be here today without their efforts. I'm always working to pay back this debt in any way I can get so that those who come tomorrow don't have to suffer as we do today. Be it in my power, I hope to transform the world into a better, more secure, more equitable place.

While many have had these aspirations before me and countless after, I stand willing and ready to add my efforts to this infinite task; working on what I can, bit by bit, byte by byte.

I look forward to working with those countless many in the future and beyond.
Below is a listing of my entire education history from most recent to least. Conveying institutions are listed with the conveyed GPA unless no degree was earned.
Washington State University
DEC 2015 - MAY 2020
I transferred to W.S.U. to complete a triple-degree gauntlet I had sought after coming out of high school. Starting with Computer Engineering, then spanning to Electrical Engineering and Computer Science after too many courses co-applied, I took a total of 212 credits over a five year period. At the same time, I supplemented my education with relevant outside work and projects; both inside and outside of the university. Despite my 21.2 credit-per-year load, I managed to balance all of this, two simultaneous jobs, and graduate on time with a 3.430 conveyed GPA.
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
3.430 GPA 3.355 TAR
This degree was conveyed on May 9th, 2020 with emphasis in Computer Engineering. As a part of my graduation requirements, I operated as the chief engineer and principal contributor to a experimental development project for RealDigital Inc. Under the advisement of Professor Clint Cole, we worked to determine the viability and marketability of a low-cost, low-impact multistage GPS tracker. I worked alongside three others of the course of my 5th year and completed the alpha and beta exploration before handing off the project to a team of full-time engineers.
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
3.430 GPA 3.337 TAR
This degree was conveyed on May 9th, 2020. As a part of my graduation requirements, and with special requirements set forth by the academic board, this degree required both the EE and CS projects to be completed for graduation to be satisfied. Because this was my 'root' degree, all other degrees were targeted and tuned towards supporting the contents of this degree. My expertise within the field of computer engineering allows me to apply both CS and EE in ways which otherwise go unnoticed.
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
3.430 GPA 3.572 TAR
This degree was conveyed on May 9th, 2020 with emphasis in Systems and Security. As a part of my graduation requirements, I operated as a principal contributor to a PNNL research project over the course of my 4th year. Working alongside two others we help reverse engineer and implement a reference phaser measurement unit used to help Dr. Harold Kirkham with his own theoretical research related to unpublished IEEE standards. This project spanned the whole of my 4th year and resulted in us creating what is believed to be the only working 60Hz OpenPMU module active in North America.
Minor in Mathematics
Due to my efforts with my triple-degree I was conferred a minor in mathematics as all prerequisites were almost entirely satisfied. Theoretical courses in linear optimization rounded out my minor as a way for me to apply more solidly layed math concepts to future code.
University of Idaho
AUG 2015 - DEC 2015
I originally attended U. of I. for my triple-degree out of highschool. Due to costs and a lack of scholarships however, I transferred to WSU after the first semester. Because both of these school has co-correlated classes due to their closeness and I was only taking low-level prerequisite classes, all gained credits transferred as equivalents.
University High School
AUG 2011 - MAY 2015
During my four years in high school, I remained very active. A part of the Future Business Leaders of America (FLBA), Videographers Club, Drama Association, Debate Team, Advanced Acapella Choral Ensemble, Student Government Auxiliary, and taking proactive Advanced Placement (AP) courses, I stayed exceptionally busy. By my senior year, I was the president of three clubs, had staring roles in multiple theater productions, and was the debate team captain. I left with a closely-knit cohort whose interests and ambitions have kept us close.
High School Diploma
3.985 GPA
Graduated with high honors. Nominated as the school's lead English chair, Full-Braid scholar, Foley Congressional Award winner, and the recipient of the Superintendent's Award for Excellence. Left as the president of the Videographers Club, Debate Team, and Future Business Leaders of America (FLBA) UHS Chapter.
This is a complete list of my work experience since 2015. Because of how utilized my time has been, many of these experiences have been parallel to each other and to my education.
Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories
3Y 8M Ongoing
Software Engineer
Full-Time, Dec 2020 - Current
As acknowledgment for hard work, dedication, and content knowledge, I was promoted to the position of Software Engineer. Never before has someone changed position this fast at SEL, even less so in the Research and Development department. Regardless, I continue to work for the Mainboard 7 project but now have full code author access. As a primary contributor, I will be moderating code changes, approving new tasks, and interfacing with more internal and external groups.
Associate Software Engineer
Full-Time, May 2020 - Dec 2020
I transferred immediately from an intern to a full-time employee shortly after graduation. My work on the SAMS project fast-tracked me to assist with the development of the Mainboard 7 project. In this capacity, I currently work as a primary contributor to both the firmware and the external control systems for SEL's flagship product line. My experience with ARM processors, Xilinx FPGA modules, and horizontally integrated compiler chains has allowed my contributions to be notably impactful.
Embedded Firmware & RTL Engineer
Full-Time, May 2017 - May 2020
This internship is not a traditional designation. This position is in a long-standing, entirely intern lead division in Research and Development. Under the guidance of SEL's Fellow Engineer Scott Anderson we worked on developing a custom relay testing and simulation interface compliant with IEC 61850. This included hardware prototyping, chip selection and placement, front-end development, API development, firmware, and RTOS development, and more. My three years on this project supplemented my education, especially regarding kernel and secure computing, and allowed me to be a direct-to-hire for a critical full-time position doing similar work for the flagship product line.
Washington State University
2Y 11M
Assistant Hall Director
Full-Time, Jul 2017 - Jun 2019
As an extension of my RA experience, I was promoted to assistant director after my first year. For over two years, including summer sessions, I helped run and direct four residence halls with over 2000 total residents. Along with my regular administrative duties, I served on the Assessment Committee, organized and executed several student and employee workshops. I worked alongside numerous others to help create and deploy tools and processes still in use.
Resident Advisor
Full-Time, Aug 2016 - Jul 2017
Provide an environment of challenge and support to incoming and returning students. Engage and build the community within each residence hall and help mitigate issues that may arise. Plan and execute floor and building events to engage with residents within the residence hall on a wide variety of topics and issues. Provide a safe and productive living environment to allow effective and efficient learning and social growth both within and outside the university.
1Y 1M
Student Engineer
Internship, May 2016 - May 2017
As a member of the Asset Management Team, I was in charge of data automation, model building, and records processing. Develop scenario-specific applications to help connect and automate data pathways. Use C++, Python, VBA/VBE, SQL, and some proprietary languages in both development and production environments. Help manage and correct errors and mistakes in several geospatial and asset-data databases used across the company.
Food Service Worker
Internship, Aug 2015 - Dec 2015
I worked primarily as a customer-facing service provider responsible for maintaining the cafeteria's cleanliness and all food server positions. Ensure the supplies located on the floor, such as utensils, dishes, milk, cereal, drinks, and other specialty foodstuffs, remain both clean and supplied. Resolve any issues brought up by students during normal operations. Adhere and ensure that the production line adheres to all quality and safety regulations.
Because of my varied scope and involvement, I’ve taken on a litany of projects inside and outside of my education. Below is an incomplete listing of the things I’ve done since 2015. These are projects unrelated to a specific class that had a significant impact or scope.
Mainboard 7 Project
May 2020 - Present
As a primary part of my full-time employment at SEL, I am helping design the next generation of Series-400 protective relays. Starting at the lowest level, I am researching how to translate and port an existing codebase to a new hardware platform without losing functionality. My work retooling the legacy build system has enabled a fully dynamic, GIT accelerated accelerating the development process tenfold.
RealDigital Logistics Debugger
Aug 2019 - May 2020
As a part of my electrical engineering senior design project, I worked with Digilent president Clint Cole and my team to prototype a mutable logistics debugging platform. This device was designed to track indoor and outdoor, giving it unparalleled flexibility compared to current devices. Using an array of sensors and beaconing techniques, we designed a sub-meter tracking method in an efficient, low-cost, low-impact device.
Sampled Values AMS
May 2017 - May 2020
As a part of a fully intern lead, intern designed project, I created and implemented the low-level firmware and communication drivers for the Sampled values Adaptive Multichannel Source. This device generates a 24 channel, 5 harmonic sinusoids with total control over each phasor component's delta. For each of these sinusoids, you then have full control over the phase, magnitude, and frequency alongside the delta variants in a 32-state internal synchronous state machine. The bulk of my time was spent designing the ethernet firmware which enabled the device to work alongside other SAMS to extend functionality. I supported IEC 61850 as the event model. I also created the residual communication frameworks, which allowed SV and GOOSE protocol support with full modulation. Based on a dual-core ARM Cortex A9, I designed the low-level drivers for the I2C bus, EEPROM, SD card, filesystem, PHY interface, and the direct-to-DAC interface. The project continues to expand with new features long past my time as an intern.
Automated Desk Assistant
Oct 2016 - May 2019
Designed, documented, and implemented an in-house solution to record-keeping at the residence halls at WSU. Ensured project maintainability and documentation for future project modifications. Certified compliance with federal information security and containment laws such as FERPA to ensure student protection. Worked with outside university developers to integrate the system into the existing backbone infrastructure to ensure proper communication with current university technologies.
OpenPMU Extensions Project
Aug 2018 - May 2019
Worked under Dr. Harold Kirkham of the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory adapting an experimental methodology of measuring phasors with lossless reference. Helped reverse engineer the OpenPMU platform for hardware verification while developing new software and hardware components. Vigorously document engineering process to provide a methodology for future team's verification of work as completed. Create a statically allocated, dynamically programmed ether-frame transmission package conformant to IEEE C37.118.2-2011 and other unpublished IEEE standards. Package and unit test all functionality allowing for future API extension.
Aug 2017 - Apr 2018
As a part of my pseudo-residency with the College of Arts and Sciences at Washington State University, I designed and built a dynamic theater queuing system and a computer vision management system based on the RealSense D400 platform. Working alongside then Associate Dean Lori J. Wiest, we deployed this suite of tools three times with great success. This project’s primary goal was to strengthen ties between the College of Arts and Sciences and the Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture.
PI/GADS Reporting System
Oct 2016 - Oct 2017
As a part of my employment with AvistaCorp, I developed a suite of tools to transport and sanitize data from an expanding set of sources. This tool allowed for independent reporting of internal status events throughout the Avista network. As a side effect of this, we were able to better comply with FERC guidelines. It is estimated that over a million billable hours were saved by these tools, which are still in use today.
LMHV Magnetic Linear Accelerator
Sep 2016 - Dec 2016
As a condition of my Physics 202 final, I researched and developed a large-scale demonstration device allowing the Lorentz Force Law and Faraday's to be put on physical display. The LMHV Magnetic Linear Accelerator uses a computer-controlled management system to interface with over a hundred integrated controllers to manage the charging and firing of the device's six-stage, 14.6mF high voltage capacitor array to launch a payload through the sound barrier. This device operates over 9Kj of instantaneous discharge to produce over one thousand amps at 450 volts.
I also have several personal projects which I either maintain or have in my backlog. Listed below is an incomplete list of those which fit that category.
Unreleased : Prototyping
As a directly observed need from building large-scale, adaptable build systems in GNU's Make, Cauldron aims to bridge the gap between make and fully-scriptable build frameworks. Cauldron is a cross-platform execution engine for producing consistent, verifiable, and diagnosable multi-platform builds. Interoperability with GNU Make will be used to interface with old systems while still providing scalability and reliability.
Unreleased : Planning
Started in 2019, this is a fully-featured, HIPPA compliant asset management system for use in assisted living and co-habitation environments. Securely store patients' medical records and routines for doctors, registered nurses, nurse practitioners, and delegates employed by the homeowner. This project is currently in the investigatory and compliance stage, where the base software features are being designed.
Unreleased : Prototyping
This project attempts to develop an automated scheduling software suite leveraging graph theory to find the most equitable and reliable schedule between a set of different personal availabilities. This was initially started after my first year as an AHD, as the complexity of coordinating staffing for many students across dozens of locations becomes incredibly difficult. It currently is undergoing reworks in the base logic to avoid NP-Hard-Hard issues with graph walks.
This is an incomplete listing of the administrative, interpersonal, and technical skills that I've collected over my career. They aren't in any order other than as designated.
Administrative Skills
Accuracy, Adaptability, Attention to Detail, Auditing, Community Development, Community Outreach, Dependability, Highly Organized, Large-Scale Management, Learning New Technology Quickly, Maintaining Confidentiality, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Organizing Events, Organizing Meetings, Prioritizing Tasks, Problem Solving, Producing High Quality Work, Project Management, Proofreading Documents, Quality Control, Risk Assessment, Self Starting, Small-Scale Management, Streamlining Processes, Taking Initiative, Task Assignment, Troubleshooting
Interpersonal Skills
Active Listener, Adaptive Individual, Communication Complex Topics, Conflict Resolution, Critical Thinking, Customer Service, Customer Service, Dependable, Detailed Communication, Effective Team Player, Empathetic, Flexible, Large-Team Cohesion, Leadership, Motivating Others, Patient, Responsible, Self-Motivating, Small-Team Cohesion, Strong Work Ethic, Teaching, Teamwork Focused, Technical Communication, Technical Documentation, Technical Writing, Time-Management, Verbal Communication, Works Well Under Pressure, Writing User-Facing Documentation, Written Communication
Technical Skills
ARMv7/8 Architectures, Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC), Artificial Intelligence, C#7/8, C++11/14/17, C/C++ Standard Library Development, C99/11/17, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Control System Design, Databases, Distributed Systems, Driver Development, Electrical Engineering, Embedded C/C++ Development, Embedded Hardware, Embedded Systems, Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA), Firmware, FreeRTOS, GNU C++ Libraries, HIPPA Compliant Development, Hardware Diagnostics, High-Reliability Systems, High-Voltage Regulation Equipment, IEC 61850, Instruction Set Architectures (ISA), JTAG Interfaces, Java, JavaScript, Machine Learning, Media-Independent Interfaces (MII/RMII/RGMII), Memory Map Units (MMU), Microcontrollers, Networking Concepts, NoSQL, OpenCV, OpenOCD, Operating Systems, Power Engineering, Power Relay Design, Prototyping, Python 2.7/3.8, Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS), Real-Time Vision Processing, SQL, Segger Tools, Software Development, Software Engineering, Synopsys Systems, Technical Research, Technical Standards, TenorFlow, ThreadX, UX/UI Design, Very Large-Scale Integration (VLSI), Web Development, Xilinx Systems

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